History of Entrepreneurship

4 min readOct 26, 2020


A few thousand years ago, the boy, our hero, Ari, was out in the jungle with his other tribesmen to hunt an animal which was almost 8–10 times bigger than the biggest caveman Ari had ever seen. Ari had lost all his strong men to mother nature and had now taken up the responsibility to lead the tribe himself. He was just 17 but he had a skill that no one else had. He could speak in languages that people from other tribes could also understand. And while he had only kids left in his tribe, there were men from the other tribes who had joined Ari in the hunt. Those men were not here for the meat from the hunt. They were here to offer their services to Ari in return for a special payment from him — that was cloth made from the skin of dead animals. Those were really warm clothes and could be helpful for the women, children & the men alike. Ari had conducted his first give-and-take transaction. In the next 5 years’ time, Ari had one of the biggest tribes in the region and the most prosperous. His people never went out for hunting, and yet he had all the food, meat, clothes made of skin, and anything else that he wanted & needed. He was making good profits from his unique skill of being able to talk to the people & offer them the correct value. He was making things happen for himself & his tribe.

A few thousand years later, at a village somewhere, there was a great king Baane. He truly loved his people and did everything for their welfare. He had evolved the technique of give-and-take into a common skill. Most people in his kingdom worked independently and offered their services to each other. In return for their service, they took food & other stuff. There were people offering their services in areas of agriculture, construction, metallurgy, woodwork, pottery, education, and virtually everything. This was a neo-society that had people evolving a particular skillset & offering it as a service in return for a payment. The payment was the currency that could help buy any other service that they needed.

A few years later, at another village, there was a person, Coza, who set out to offer services to more number of people. He knew that it was humanly impossible for him to serve more than a few handfuls of people every day. Even with the support of his family members, he could hardly serve a few dozen people daily. He needed more hands, but they did not have his skills. He decided to teach people some basic skills about his expertise and asked them to strictly follow the steps that he defined for them. He also got a few intelligent ones who could ensure that others are doing exactly as instructed. This was not an army, and yet everyone had to be disciplined enough to follow the exact steps given to them. There were more people like Coza who had adopted the same model. They had made a setup that could produce service providers in bulk. It had become an industry now.

Well, these are not the true stories from the past, even though they may sound to resemble some folklores or documented history. We also know that Ari or Baane or Coza are fake names and that they only resemble A, B & C of history. And still, these stories look true in every sense. We know for sure that the evolution of mankind has happened from the times of hunting alone to the Barter System to the Currency System. It is certain that no one worked for another person when we started our journey of mankind. And yet, we find very few takers of the fact today, that our basic instinct pushes us towards entrepreneurship rather than the employment of others. It is ironic to see that the humans, the most developed spies on this earth, has actually become so well trained to always work for others. They find it safe & secure. No other species follow this pattern.

If you agree, and feel the same, you are one of the very few who think like this. We can look forward to propagating our thoughts for the better future of mankind. Send us your queries and we will get back to you.




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