Emotional intelligence at Workplace

3 min readOct 21, 2020


Emotions are an important part of being a human and no rational decision can be made without emotions. 80% of our decisions are driven by our emotions because they are faster than our cognitive knowledge, attention, and skills. The human body can identify an emotion much faster than the mind can tell you about it. Emotions become the reason for our automated responses to situations that appear similar. In every situation, we have two minds working for us — one that thinks and the other that feels.

It is common to observe the way most people feel at their workplace –

• They feel entitled to everything and try to exercise full control

• They feel threatened, offended, or irritated by other’s behavior

• They find faults in other’s words and actions

• They feel worried and upset about things beyond their control

Such feelings have become even more strong in the cross-cultural teams which are geographically apart, connected virtually, and working together. People often feel unheard, unseen, and misunderstood.

Other common emotional challenges faced by people, that impact the workplace include scenarios such as -

• Take an important call from the office when your child is crying

• Attend office till late on important personal occasions

• Be part of a conflict at home or at the workplace or even on the road

• Face rejection of ideas at or beyond the workplace

• Deal with nagging, pestering, and irritable work colleague or senior

Emotional intelligence has a great impact on the behavior of the people and the culture of the workplace. Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient, which are interchangeably used terms, is the ability to understand own and others’ emotions at times of excitement as well as conflict to arrive at a mutually balanced and fruitful result. Higher Emotional Intelligence enables us to become whole human beings, have a great lifestyle, a loving personality, and an attitude of success. Emotional Quotient deals with 4 domains — self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and relationship skills.

There is a well-defined working formula to recognise-regulate-respond to all emotional situations. All you need to do is go after 3 fundamental goals to improve your Emotional intelligence.

• Identify self-emotions to establish higher self-regard, personal mastery, new thinking habits, and overcoming the slavery of emotions

• Identify the emotions of others to become more assertive yet non-offensive, make informed decisions, and be more open and empathetic

• Differentiate emotions of optimism and pessimism to become more flexible, control impulsive reactions, build social harmony and commit to serving others

Each of us harnesses the power of self and other’s emotions to positively impact the performance at the workplace and bonding in relationships. When you decide to excel in your life, career, and relationships and relook at your feelings of glad, mad, sad, and scare, you need a coach who can hold your hands on this journey of rewiring your mind with a new and improved level of Emotional intelligence.

Do connect with us to understand the detailed process of alleviating your Emotional intelligence. Send us your queries and we will get back to you.




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