12 things I will do in 2022

3 min readDec 28, 2021


It’s that time of the year when new year resolutions are set and then killed in a week’s time. This is a ritual that almost everyone has followed at least once in their lives. It has become such an acceptable norm, that we happily ask about the new year resolutions from others, and dismiss their response in no time, never to bring that topic again for the entire year. In a way, we become complicit in the sequence of planning new year resolutions and dumping it as the year gets older by a couple of weeks.

No wonder, I have followed the same principles of new year resolutions almost every year of my conscious living. But 2022 is going to be different. This is the defining year of my life. 2021 was the year of change for me. I think I was pushed down the lane of change by a simple stroke of luck when I was incidentally diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer that had already spread out into my spine and bones. The last 6 months have been difficult, determined, and demanding at the same time. I am sorry to understand it this way, but now, every moment counts for me.

I would still give myself some leeway and set my new year resolution in a way that I can follow it through the year. So, I have set one goal a month and I am going to be doing it exactly that way.

  • Write an article every week in 2022 starting January on platforms like Medium, Quora, LinkedIn, and my personal blog, Coach2Net.
  • Read a book every month in 2022 starting February.
  • Join a public club where I can improve my communication skills, like Toastmasters or something similar, in March
  • Create a video playlist for my 10 yrs old son in April. It would include some fresh stories, some known stories, and some short videos.
  • Publish a list and recipe of all food items I had myself during the year of my cancer fight, divided into sections of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in May.
  • Celebrate my one year of cancer fight by publishing articles and participating in forums in June.
  • Go on vacation with my family in July and give them a much a needed break from everything they have already been doing for me.
  • Join a health group or cancer awareness program and spread the word in August.
  • Develop a new hobby for me, like painting or making crafts, in September.
  • Invest time and money in developing my personality in October. I may get a mentor or a coach or join a program.
  • Build a kitchen garden with special herbs in November.
  • Go on a personal vacation alone in December.

It is going to be a fun year for me. At the same time, it would be the defining year because it would change the way I lead my future life. I must say this before 2022 starts.

2022, I am ready for you.




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